In­ten­si­ve pre­ven­ti­ve care

Working tog­e­ther for he­alt­hy teeth

Pro­phy­la­xis is of cen­tral im­portance in den­ti­stry. The re­gu­lar re­m­oval of tar­tar, plaque and other soft den­tal plaque ef­fec­tively pre­vents ca­ries and pe­ri­odon­to­sis. This pre­ser­ves the ra­di­ant white of your tee­th and lays the foun­da­ti­on for your at­trac­ti­ve smile!

Ar­ran­ge a no-ob­li­ga­ti­on con­sul­ta­ti­on ap­point­ment now!
Our in­no­va­ti­ve con­cept, sta­te-of-the-art equip­ment and, abo­ve all, a spe­cia­li­sed and high­ly qua­li­fied team gua­ran­tee a high le­vel of pro­fes­sio­na­lism in all ma­jor fields of dentistry!


We use the fol­lo­wing me­a­su­res to pre­ser­ve the ra­di­ant white of your tee­th and crea­te the ba­sis for your at­trac­ti­ve smile:

  • De­ve­lo­p­ment of an in­di­vi­du­al oral hy­gie­ne concept
  • Re­m­oval of hard-to-ca­re-for ni­ches on tee­th and dentures
  • Pro­fes­sio­nal tooth clea­ning (PTC) wi­th po­li­shing of the teeth
  • Use of fluo­ri­de var­nish to har­den tee­th against caries
  • Se­al­ing of the oc­clu­sal surfaces

Pe­ri­odon­to­sis pa­ti­ents and or­th­odon­tic pa­ti­ents espe­ci­al­ly need op­ti­mal oral hy­gie­ne and re­cei­ve spe­cial ca­re in our practice.

Tre­at­ment example


We use the fol­lo­wing me­a­su­res to pre­ser­ve the ra­di­ant white of your tee­th and crea­te the ba­sis for your at­trac­ti­ve smile:

  • De­ve­lo­p­ment of an in­di­vi­du­al oral hy­gie­ne concept
  • Re­m­oval of hard-to-ca­re-for ni­ches on tee­th and dentures
  • Pro­fes­sio­nal tooth clea­ning (PTC) wi­th po­li­shing of the teeth
  • Use of fluo­ri­de var­nish to har­den tee­th against caries
  • Se­al­ing of the oc­clu­sal surfaces

Pe­ri­odon­to­sis pa­ti­ents and or­th­odon­tic pa­ti­ents espe­ci­al­ly need op­ti­mal oral hy­gie­ne and re­cei­ve spe­cial ca­re in our practice.

Tre­at­ment example

tooth clea­ning (PTC)

Pro­fes­sio­nal tooth clea­ning (PTC) is the es­sen­ti­al ele­ment of pre­ven­ti­on. In our prac­ti­ce it’s per­for­med by spe­ci­al­ly trai­ned den­tal hy­gie­nists in a plea­sant at­mo­sphe­re. At the sa­me time, you’ll re­cei­ve an in­di­vi­du­al con­sul­ta­ti­on on oral hy­gie­ne at home.

tooth clea­ning (PTC)

Pro­fes­sio­nal tooth clea­ning (PTC) is the es­sen­ti­al ele­ment of pre­ven­ti­on. In our prac­ti­ce it’s per­for­med by spe­ci­al­ly trai­ned den­tal hy­gie­nists in a plea­sant at­mo­sphe­re. At the sa­me time, you’ll re­cei­ve an in­di­vi­du­al con­sul­ta­ti­on on oral hy­gie­ne at home.

Coa­ting wi­th ar­ti­fi­ci­al tooth enamel

Pro­tect yours­elf against tooth ag­e­ing by “se­al­ing” your tee­th using a spe­cial high-tech me­thod. Ho­we­ver, this has not­hing to do wi­th the well-known se­al­ing as used for child­ren and young people.

Ar­ti­fi­ci­al tooth en­a­mel (hy­dro­xya­pa­ti­te) is ap­pli­ed to your tee­th wi­th high pres­su­re and de­po­sits its­elf in the po­res of your tee­th in a che­mi­cal-phy­si­cal re­ac­tion. This in­ten­si­ve pro­phy­la­xis pro­tects you very ef­fec­tively against ca­ries and even makes your tee­th ap­pear brigh­ter and fres­her due to the white colour.

Your over­all ap­pearance be­ne­fits considerably.

Coa­ting wi­th ar­ti­fi­ci­al tooth enamel

Pro­tect yours­elf against tooth ag­e­ing by “se­al­ing” your tee­th using a spe­cial high-tech me­thod. Ho­we­ver, this has not­hing to do wi­th the well-known se­al­ing as used for child­ren and young people.

Ar­ti­fi­ci­al tooth en­a­mel (hy­dro­xya­pa­ti­te) is ap­pli­ed to your tee­th wi­th high pres­su­re and de­po­sits its­elf in the po­res of your tee­th in a che­mi­cal-phy­si­cal re­ac­tion. This in­ten­si­ve pro­phy­la­xis pro­tects you very ef­fec­tively against ca­ries and even makes your tee­th ap­pear brigh­ter and fres­her due to the white colour.

Your over­all ap­pearance be­ne­fits considerably.

Dis­in­fec­tion of braces & prostheses

Bac­te­ria on and in your or­th­odon­tic ap­pli­ance or den­ture are just as dan­ge­rous as on your own tee­th. They nest­le in the po­res of the pla­s­tic, so that your home ca­re is im­portant, but not suf­fi­ci­ent in the long run. Stu­dies have even found evi­dence of pneu­mo­nia cau­sed by germs in dentures!

Just as im­portant as re­gu­lar pro­fes­sio­nal tooth clea­ning (PTC) is the si­mul­ta­neous deep dis­in­fec­ting clea­ning of braces and den­tures. For this re­ason, plea­se al­ways bring your braces or den­tures wi­th you to your den­tal hy­gie­ne appointments.

Dis­in­fec­tion of braces & prostheses

Bac­te­ria on and in your or­th­odon­tic ap­pli­ance or den­ture are just as dan­ge­rous as on your own tee­th. They nest­le in the po­res of the pla­s­tic, so that your home ca­re is im­portant, but not suf­fi­ci­ent in the long run. Stu­dies have even found evi­dence of pneu­mo­nia cau­sed by germs in dentures!

Just as im­portant as re­gu­lar pro­fes­sio­nal tooth clea­ning (PTC) is the si­mul­ta­neous deep dis­in­fec­ting clea­ning of braces and den­tures. For this re­ason, plea­se al­ways bring your braces or den­tures wi­th you to your den­tal hy­gie­ne appointments.

Do you want beau­tiful teeth?

Dr. Ba­rac is cer­ti­fied in the field of aes­the­tic den­ti­stry and the ma­ny ca­ses he has trea­ted in this field testi­fy to his ex­pe­ri­ence. He is one of ap­pro­xi­m­ate­ly 450 den­tists among 55,000 den­tists in Ger­ma­ny who suc­cessful­ly pas­sed the cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on in 2009 af­ter two ye­ars of in­ten­si­ve theo­re­ti­cal and prac­ti­cal trai­ning and examination.


How is den­tal hy­gie­ne done?

Va­rious in­stru­ments are used to clean the tee­th pro­fes­sio­nal­ly. First, the very hard plaque is re­mo­ved wi­th an ul­tra­sound. Smal­ler scrat­ching in­stru­ments are used to gent­ly and gent­ly re­mo­ve the sof­ter plaque even be­low the gum­li­ne. Den­tal floss and spe­cial po­li­shing strips are al­so used to clean the in­ter­den­tal spaces. Af­ter this clea­ning, the tee­th are gent­ly po­lished smooth wi­th a brush and po­li­shing pas­te so that bac­te­ria and sta­ins are less li­kely to ac­cu­mu­la­te. At the end of the den­tal hy­gie­ne ap­point­ment the tee­th are fluo­ri­da­ted to pro­tect them ef­fec­tively against caries.