Tech­ni­cal equipment

Sta­te-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gy, in­stru­ments and ma­te­ri­als are re­a­dy for you!

This en­ables us to of­fer you de­tail­ed dia­gno­stics as well as gent­le and in­di­vi­du­al­ly op­ti­mi­sed treatments.

  • TV in all rooms wi­th all ca­ble pro­grams, on­line vi­deo li­bra­ry and car­toons for children.
  • Nin­ten­do WII U
  • Upon re­quest, re­min­der mes­sa­ges for your pre­ven­ti­ve ex­ami­na­ti­ons, pro­phyl­ac­tic clea­ning and plan­ned treatments
  • SMS re­min­der of your ap­point­ment the day before
  • Free Wi­Fi in­ter­net guest access
  • Dif­fe­rent ty­pes of Nes­pres­so coffee
  • Fresh mi­ne­ral water
  • Dis­posable tooth­brushes and toothpaste
  • Num­e­rous ma­ga­zi­nes of dif­fe­rent genres
  • Trans­fer vi­de­os from your mo­bi­le pho­ne or ta­blet to the TV (ad­ap­ter ca­bles are available).
  • Stu­dio head­pho­nes from SONY for bet­ter sound when wat­ching TV.
  • Mu­sic styl­es of all di­rec­tions via in­ter­net ra­dio or con­nec­ting your cell phone/tablet/MP3 play­er to our sys­tem (ad­ap­ter ca­bles are available).
  • Air con­di­tio­ning in all are­as for a well-tem­pe­red at­mo­sphe­re in summer
  • Soft blan­ket if it is too cold for you in winter
  • Te­le­pho­ne and se­cre­ta­ri­al ser­vice (e.g. ta­xi calls, flight in­for­ma­ti­on, phar­ma­cy in­for­ma­ti­on etc.)
  • Prin­tout and ex­pl­ana­ti­on of all other ap­point­ments wi­th time, ty­pe of tre­at­ment and ex­pec­ted duration
  • Res­t­ing place
  • So­ot­hing and re­la­xing massages
  • Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on wi­th your insu­rance com­pa­ny or as­sis­tance wi­th reim­bur­se­ment issues

In ca­se of fur­ther ques­ti­ons we will be plea­sed to be at your disposal!

Our high­lights:

In ad­di­ti­on to the equip­ment and in­stru­ments that we con­sider nor­mal in a mo­dern prac­ti­ce to­day, we can al­so of­fer you so­me high­lights of cur­rent den­tal me­di­cal technology.

  • La­ser in­s­tead of drill wi­th the Er­bi­um: YAG la­ser. We don’t use a drill for fil­lings anymore!
  • Pre­cise com­pu­ter-con­trol­led STA-The Wand an­aes­the­sia. Is the usu­al ma­nu­al sy­rin­ge fi­ne for you, or would you pre­fer a de­vice li­ke a ma­gic wand that al­lows the an­aes­the­tic to drip in exact­ly, that you can hard­ly feel and that on­ly numbs the tooth its­elf and not the lips, ton­gue and cheek?
  • Safe and re­lia­ble ca­ries de­tec­tion wi­th the Dia­gnodent la­ser. We’­ve al­ways won­de­red whe­ther it is­n’t mo­re ac­cu­ra­te to me­a­su­re a di­stance wi­th the ru­ler than to esti­ma­te it. And that’s what we do wi­th your ca­ries — we me­a­su­re it ob­jec­tively wi­th the laser.
  • Di­gi­tal X‑ray in 35mm for­mat and pan­ora­ma. Pro­tect your he­alth wi­th 90% less radiation.
  • To­pic root ca­nal tre­at­ment: Don’t let others sca­re you. Of cour­se, we al­so work wi­th the Neodym:YAG la­ser, the 3D root fil­ling, the en­do­me­try de­vice and Ni­Ti in­stru­ments. And this is how root ca­nal tre­at­ment stops be­ing scary.
  • La­ser in­s­tead of drill wi­th the Er­bi­um: YAG la­ser. We don’t use a drill for fil­lings anymore!
  • Pre­cise com­pu­ter-con­trol­led STA-The Wand an­aes­the­sia. Is the usu­al ma­nu­al sy­rin­ge fi­ne for you, or would you pre­fer a de­vice li­ke a ma­gic wand that al­lows the an­aes­the­tic to drip in exact­ly, that you can hard­ly feel and that on­ly numbs the tooth its­elf and not the lips, ton­gue and cheek?
  • Safe and re­lia­ble ca­ries de­tec­tion wi­th the Dia­gnodent la­ser. We’­ve al­ways won­de­red whe­ther it is­n’t mo­re ac­cu­ra­te to me­a­su­re a di­stance wi­th the ru­ler than to esti­ma­te it. And that’s what we do wi­th your ca­ries — we me­a­su­re it ob­jec­tively wi­th the laser.
  • Di­gi­tal X‑ray in 35mm for­mat and pan­ora­ma. Pro­tect your he­alth wi­th 90% less radiation.
  • To­pic root ca­nal tre­at­ment: Don’t let others sca­re you. Of cour­se, we al­so work wi­th the Neodym:YAG la­ser, the 3D root fil­ling, the en­do­me­try de­vice and Ni­Ti in­stru­ments. And this is how root ca­nal tre­at­ment stops be­ing scary.


You mat­ter to us!

We want to of­fer you the best den­tal tre­at­ment, which ta­kes your in­di­vi­du­al si­tua­ti­on and your wis­hes in­to ac­count and re­spects them. He­re you are­n’t just a pa­ti­ent, but a hu­man be­ing. That’s why we don’t se­pa­ra­te he­alth insu­rance pa­ti­ents from pri­va­te pa­ti­ents. Every “guest” re­cei­ves the best pos­si­ble tre­at­ment and the sa­me com­pre­hen­si­ve service.

What makes the difference?

We re­gard ex­cel­lent ser­vice as a mat­ter of cour­se. It all co­mes “from one source” wi­t­hout an­noy­ing re­fer­rals or in­con­ve­ni­ent tre­at­ment by se­ve­ral dentists.

  • Com­pre­hen­si­ve diagnostics
  • De­tail­ed advice
  • The la­test the­ra­peu­tic methods
  • High-qua­li­ty materials
  • Re­gu­lar and fre­quent training
  • The best and most mo­dern tech­ni­cal equip­ment and instruments
  • Qua­li­ty ma­nage­ment of work processes
  • Co­ope­ra­ti­on wi­th spe­cia­lists for spe­cial issues
  • Ex­pert den­tal technicians
  • Or­de­ring prac­ti­ce, the­r­e­fo­re hard­ly any wai­ting times
  • Short-term ap­point­ments possible
  • Pain tre­at­ment on the sa­me day
  • Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on
  • Com­pre­hen­si­ve diagnostics
  • De­tail­ed advice
  • The la­test the­ra­peu­tic methods
  • High-qua­li­ty materials
  • Re­gu­lar and fre­quent training
  • The best and most mo­dern tech­ni­cal equip­ment and instruments
  • Qua­li­ty ma­nage­ment of work processes
  • Co­ope­ra­ti­on wi­th spe­cia­lists for spe­cial issues
  • Ex­pert den­tal technicians
  • Or­de­ring prac­ti­ce, the­r­e­fo­re hard­ly any wai­ting times
  • Short-term ap­point­ments possible
  • Pain tre­at­ment on the sa­me day
  • Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on

The pri­ce — so­me thoughts

You mat­ter to us!

“The­re is hard­ly any­thing in the world that so­meone can­not make a litt­le worse and sell a litt­le che­a­per, and the peo­p­le who con­sider pri­ce alo­ne are that person’s lawful prey. It’s un­wi­se to pay too much, but it’s worse to pay too litt­le. When you pay too much, you lo­se a litt­le mo­ney — that is all. When you pay too litt­le, you so­me­ti­mes lo­se ever­y­thing, be­cau­se the thing you bought was in­ca­pa­ble of do­ing the thing it was bought to do. The com­mon law of busi­ness ba­lan­ce pro­hi­bits pay­ing a litt­le and get­ting a lot — it can’t be do­ne. If you deal wi­th the lo­west bidder, it is well to add so­me­thing for the risk you run, and if you do that you will have en­ough to pay for so­me­thing better.”


John Rus­kin (* 8 Fe­bru­ary 1819 in Lon­don; † 20 Ja­nu­ary 1900 in Br­ant­wood) was an Eng­lish wri­ter, pain­ter, art his­to­ri­an and so­cial philosopher.


Ma­king wis­hes co­me true

If you want, you can al­so ar­ran­ge a par­ti­al pay­ment in con­junc­tion wi­th our ac­coun­ting cent­re (DZR). In this way, you can ta­ck­le the op­ti­mal me­a­su­res for your most beau­tiful smi­le and he­alth in a ti­me­ly man­ner, al­most in­de­pendent­ly of your fi­nan­cial liquidity.
Plea­se cont­act us!

We of­fer you the fol­lo­wing service:

  • When pay­ing by in­st­al­ments wi­thin six in­st­al­ments wi­t­hout in­te­rest and fees!
  • You de­ter­mi­ne the start of pay­ment wi­thin six months af­ter re­ceipt of invoice
  • Mi­ni­mum ra­te €25
  • Term up to 48 months

Did you know?

You will re­cei­ve a 2% dis­count when pay­ing wi­th an EC card or in cash. We al­so ac­cept all com­mon me­ans of pay­ment as well as so­me cryptocurrencies:

  • Cash
  • EC cards (Gi­ro­card)
  • Ma­es­tro and V ‑ Pay
  • Cre­dit cards (VISA and Mastercard)
  • Bit­co­in and Ethe­re­um (others on request)


Ma­king wis­hes co­me true

If you want, you can al­so ar­ran­ge a par­ti­al pay­ment in con­junc­tion wi­th our ac­coun­ting cent­re (DZR). In this way, you can ta­ck­le the op­ti­mal me­a­su­res for your most beau­tiful smi­le and he­alth in a ti­me­ly man­ner, al­most in­de­pendent­ly of your fi­nan­cial liquidity.
Plea­se cont­act us!

We of­fer you the fol­lo­wing service:

  • When pay­ing by in­st­al­ments wi­thin six in­st­al­ments wi­t­hout in­te­rest and fees!
  • You de­ter­mi­ne the start of pay­ment wi­thin six months af­ter re­ceipt of invoice
  • Mi­ni­mum ra­te €25
  • Term up to 48 months

Waiz­mann table

Im­portant for peo­p­le wi­th sta­tu­to­ry insurance!

The ex­pe­ri­en­ces of the last de­ca­des show that the sta­tu­to­ry insu­rance has in­cre­asing­ly shor­ten­ed the ca­ta­lo­gue of be­ne­fits and has­n’t even in­cluded the mo­dern pos­si­bi­li­ties of today’s den­ti­stry. Re­du­ce your own con­tri­bu­ti­on for the best den­tal ca­re to al­most ze­ro wi­th a good sup­ple­men­ta­ry den­tal insu­rance. The Waiz­mann ta­ble of­fers a very good, in­de­pen­dent comparison:

Waiz­mann ta­ble general
Waiz­mann ta­ble 60Plus
Waiz­mann ta­ble children

Waiz­mann table

Im­portant for peo­p­le wi­th sta­tu­to­ry insurance!

The ex­pe­ri­en­ces of the last de­ca­des show that the sta­tu­to­ry insu­rance has in­cre­asing­ly shor­ten­ed the ca­ta­lo­gue of be­ne­fits and has­n’t even in­cluded the mo­dern pos­si­bi­li­ties of today’s den­ti­stry. Re­du­ce your own con­tri­bu­ti­on for the best den­tal ca­re to al­most ze­ro wi­th a good sup­ple­men­ta­ry den­tal insu­rance. The Waiz­mann ta­ble of­fers a very good, in­de­pen­dent comparison:

Waiz­mann ta­ble general
Waiz­mann ta­ble 60Plus
Waiz­mann ta­ble children

Fur­ther impressions

Do you want beau­tiful teeth?

Dr. Ba­rac is cer­ti­fied in the field of aes­the­tic den­ti­stry and the ma­ny ca­ses he has trea­ted in this field testi­fy to his ex­pe­ri­ence. He is one of ap­pro­xi­m­ate­ly 450 den­tists among 55,000 den­tists in Ger­ma­ny who suc­cessful­ly pas­sed the cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on in 2009 af­ter two ye­ars of in­ten­si­ve theo­re­ti­cal and prac­ti­cal trai­ning and examination.