
Are you al­re­a­dy fa­mi­li­ar wi­th the al­most in­vi­si­ble braces?

CLEAR-ALIGNER and Harm­o­ny braces is the na­me of our braces con­cept for cor­rec­ting tee­th wi­th trans­pa­rent braces. Fi­nal­ly there’s a so­lu­ti­on to cor­rect the po­si­ti­on of tee­th wi­t­hout an­noy­ing and un­sight­ly wires or bra­ckets. Peo­p­le won’t no­ti­ce that you’­re wea­ring braces. The braces are trans­pa­rent and the­r­e­fo­re ex­tre­me­ly in­con­spi­cuous. It’s al­so very gent­le — wi­t­hout any wire, clamps, screws or brackets.

Ar­ran­ge a no-ob­li­ga­ti­on con­sul­ta­ti­on ap­point­ment now!
Our in­no­va­ti­ve con­cept, sta­te-of-the-art equip­ment and, abo­ve all, a spe­cia­li­sed and high­ly qua­li­fied team gua­ran­tee a high le­vel of pro­fes­sio­na­lism in all ma­jor fields of dentistry!

Ap­par­ent­ly inconspicuous

  • The braces are prac­ti­cal­ly invisible
  • Par­ti­cu­lar­ly gent­le me­thod of po­si­ti­on correction
  • No in­ter­fe­rence wi­th speech
  • Pain­less to wear
  • To­tal fle­xi­bi­li­ty, you can ta­ke it out at any time
  • Ab­so­lu­te hygiene
  • The per­fect al­ter­na­ti­ve to fixed/conventional braces
  • Tre­at­ment du­ra­ti­on is usual­ly short, from six to ni­ne months


Ba­re your tee­th and shape your bite.
Cor­rec­ting tee­th has never be­en so ea­sy, com­for­ta­ble and aesthetic.

Tre­at­ment example

Ap­par­ent­ly inconspicuous

  • The braces are prac­ti­cal­ly invisible
  • Par­ti­cu­lar­ly gent­le me­thod of po­si­ti­on correction
  • No in­ter­fe­rence wi­th speech
  • Pain­less to wear
  • To­tal fle­xi­bi­li­ty, you can ta­ke it out at any time
  • Ab­so­lu­te hygiene
  • The per­fect al­ter­na­ti­ve to fixed/conventional braces
  • Tre­at­ment du­ra­ti­on is usual­ly short, from six to ni­ne months


Ba­re your tee­th and shape your bite.
Cor­rec­ting tee­th has never be­en so ea­sy, com­for­ta­ble and aesthetic.

Tre­at­ment example

Do you want beau­tiful teeth?

Dr. Ba­rac is cer­ti­fied in the field of aes­the­tic den­ti­stry and the ma­ny ca­ses he has trea­ted in this field testi­fy to his ex­pe­ri­ence. He is one of ap­pro­xi­m­ate­ly 450 den­tists among 55,000 den­tists in Ger­ma­ny who suc­cessful­ly pas­sed the cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on in 2009 af­ter two ye­ars of in­ten­si­ve theo­re­ti­cal and prac­ti­cal trai­ning and examination.

Croo­ked tee­th are bad for your health

Mis­a­li­gned tee­th can lead to ex­ces­si­ve and un­even wear of your tee­th. This can lead to tem­po­ro­man­di­bu­lar joint pro­blems, hea­da­ches, neck pain and even breathing pro­blems. If our spi­ne is­n’t ali­gned cor­rect­ly, this can lead to stress and ten­si­on in other parts of our bo­dy. This al­so ap­pli­es to our tee­th. This is why it’s so im­portant to see your den­tist to make su­re that your tee­th are straight and working as they should.


Re­se­arch in den­ti­stry has shown that croo­ked tee­th lead to gum di­se­a­se, which cau­ses oral bac­te­ria to en­ter your blood­stream. The pro­blem wi­th oral in­fec­tions and in­flamm­a­ti­on is that it can cau­se se­rious he­alth pro­blems li­ke dia­be­tes and he­art di­se­a­se. Ac­cor­ding to a stu­dy pu­blished in the Ame­ri­can Jour­nal of Car­dio­lo­gy, gum di­se­a­se can cau­se a 24–35% in­crease in co­ro­na­ry ar­tery disease.