Main ac­ti­vi­ties

Aes­the­tic dentistry

An­ti-ag­e­ing ef­fect included

Tooth shape, tooth po­si­ti­on and the co­lour of your tee­th are de­cisi­ve for the over­all im­pres­si­on your face makes. Ex­pe­ri­ence the fi­ne art of den­tal aes­the­tics wi­th us. An­ti-ag­e­ing ef­fect in­clu­ding mi­nus ten ye­ars ef­fect com­ple­te­ly wi­t­hout Bo­tox and lif­ting — sim­ply wi­th beau­tiful teeth.

Co­lour, shape and position

The per­fect aes­the­tic over­all im­pres­si­on is crea­ted by a har­mo­nious in­ter­play of shape, co­lour and po­si­ti­on of the tee­th. He­alt­hy gums en­su­re op­ti­mal “pink aes­the­tics”. We achie­ve the tooth co­lour that matches your fa­cial cha­rac­ter th­rough blea­ching. Tooth-co­lou­red fil­lings, crowns and ve­neers al­low you to per­fect the shape and co­lour of your tee­th and, to a cer­tain ext­ent, the po­si­ti­on of your tee­th. Op­ti­mal ma­te­ri­als for this are cera­mics and, in the ca­se of mi­nor cor­rec­tions, al­so com­po­si­tes. Lar­ger cor­rec­tions in po­si­ti­on can on­ly be achie­ved or­th­odon­ti­cal­ly, which is pos­si­ble at any age.

Ar­ran­ge a no-ob­li­ga­ti­on con­sul­ta­ti­on ap­point­ment now!
Our in­no­va­ti­ve con­cept, sta­te-of-the-art equip­ment and, abo­ve all, a spe­cia­li­sed and high­ly qua­li­fied team gua­ran­tee a high le­vel of pro­fes­sio­na­lism in all ma­jor fields of dentistry!

Den­tal bleaching
(tee­th whitening)

White does­n’t equal white…

In na­tu­re the­re are se­ve­ral shades of co­lour from red­dish, yel­lo­wish, grey­ish to brow­nish. The­se again in dif­fe­rent in­ten­si­ties: from light to dark. Young tee­th are much brigh­ter. So it’s not sur­pri­sing that ligh­ter tee­th au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly gi­ve a youn­ger ex­pres­si­on. En­via­bly white tee­th in just over two hours: Wi­th our spe­cial whitening sys­tem, which is al­so po­pu­lar wi­th stars, we achie­ve a sub­stan­ti­al whitening in a very short time. If you would al­so li­ke to ch­an­ge the sha­de, this can be achie­ved to per­fec­tion wi­th cera­mic ve­neers. Dar­kened, root-trea­ted tee­th shi­ne again wi­th the in­ter­nal blea­ching technique.

Den­tal bleaching
(tee­th whitening)

White does­n’t equal white…

In na­tu­re the­re are se­ve­ral shades of co­lour from red­dish, yel­lo­wish, grey­ish to brow­nish. The­se again in dif­fe­rent in­ten­si­ties: from light to dark. Young tee­th are much brigh­ter. So it’s not sur­pri­sing that ligh­ter tee­th au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly gi­ve a youn­ger ex­pres­si­on. En­via­bly white tee­th in just over two hours: Wi­th our spe­cial whitening sys­tem, which is al­so po­pu­lar wi­th stars, we achie­ve a sub­stan­ti­al whitening in a very short time. If you would al­so li­ke to ch­an­ge the sha­de, this can be achie­ved to per­fec­tion wi­th cera­mic ve­neers. Dar­kened, root-trea­ted tee­th shi­ne again wi­th the in­ter­nal blea­ching technique.


A con­fi­dent smi­le opens doors

Are your front tee­th croo­ked? You don’t li­ke their co­lour? Or have any parts bro­ken off? We’­ve got the op­ti­mal so­lu­ti­on for your in­di­vi­du­al wis­hes: wa­fer-thin ve­neers ma­de of aes­the­ti­cal­ly high­ly na­tu­ral cera­mic are per­fect works of art in func­tion and de­sign. This mi­ni­mal­ly in­va­si­ve me­thod en­ables you to have fan­ta­sti­cal­ly ra­di­ant tee­th in a gent­le way. See for yourself!

Tre­at­ment ex­am­p­le 1
Tre­at­ment ex­am­p­le 2


A con­fi­dent smi­le opens doors

Are your front tee­th croo­ked? You don’t li­ke their co­lour? Or have any parts bro­ken off? We’­ve got the op­ti­mal so­lu­ti­on for your in­di­vi­du­al wis­hes: wa­fer-thin ve­neers ma­de of aes­the­ti­cal­ly high­ly na­tu­ral cera­mic are per­fect works of art in func­tion and de­sign. This mi­ni­mal­ly in­va­si­ve me­thod en­ables you to have fan­ta­sti­cal­ly ra­di­ant tee­th in a gent­le way. See for yourself!

Tre­at­ment ex­am­p­le 1
Tre­at­ment ex­am­p­le 2


Per­fec­ted aesthetics

Crowns, par­ti­al crowns, bridges and fil­lings (in­lays) ma­de of pu­re cera­mic are the ide­al choice for per­fect­ly beau­tiful tee­th. Their ma­te­ri­al struc­tu­re en­ables you to en­joy an aes­the­tic ex­pe­ri­ence that is in no way in­fe­ri­or to na­tu­re. Cera­mic is per­ma­nent­ly in­vi­si­ble be­cau­se the­re are no dark ed­ges and no dis­co­lou­ra­ti­on. Tech­ni­ques — so­me of which ori­gi­na­te from space tra­vel (e.g. zir­co­ni­um oxi­de cera­mics) — of­fer mi­ni­mal­ly in­va­si­ve pos­si­bi­li­ties to make your brigh­test smi­le co­me true.

Tre­at­ment example


Per­fec­ted aesthetics

Crowns, par­ti­al crowns, bridges and fil­lings (in­lays) ma­de of pu­re cera­mic are the ide­al choice for per­fect­ly beau­tiful tee­th. Their ma­te­ri­al struc­tu­re en­ables you to en­joy an aes­the­tic ex­pe­ri­ence that is in no way in­fe­ri­or to na­tu­re. Cera­mic is per­ma­nent­ly in­vi­si­ble be­cau­se the­re are no dark ed­ges and no dis­co­lou­ra­ti­on. Tech­ni­ques — so­me of which ori­gi­na­te from space tra­vel (e.g. zir­co­ni­um oxi­de cera­mics) — of­fer mi­ni­mal­ly in­va­si­ve pos­si­bi­li­ties to make your brigh­test smi­le co­me true.

Tre­at­ment example

Gums and red aesthetics

Have your tee­th leng­the­ned as well?

A beau­tiful mouth is­n’t just a string of pearl-li­ke per­fect tee­th. A youthful and he­alt­hy ap­pearance is si­gni­fi­cant­ly in­fluen­ced by the gums. Dis­or­ders have va­rious cau­ses: of­ten pe­ri­odon­to­sis or pe­ri­odon­ti­tis, but al­so too firm brushing of the tee­th in com­bi­na­ti­on wi­th other fac­tors is of­ten the re­ason. Per­haps your tee­th have sen­si­ti­ve necks in cold wea­ther or when you eat sweet things? In so-cal­led gum re­ces­si­on, the ner­ve-rich root of the tooth is ex­po­sed and in­cre­asing­ly lar­ger trough-shaped de­fects de­ve­lop, which you can al­so feel wi­th your fingernail.
What can we do? We can seal the­se wedge-shaped de­fects wi­th a la­ser and co­ver them wi­th a cer­vical fil­ling ma­de of in­vi­si­ble com­po­si­te ma­te­ri­al to con­ce­al the re­ces­si­ons. This is a quick, pain­less and simp­le so­lu­ti­on for the long, hy­per­sen­si­ti­ve tooth neck, and you’ll be re­al­ly sa­tis­fied wi­th the re­sults. If you want the very best in aes­the­tics, then re­ces­si­on co­vera­ge as a small sur­gi­cal gum cor­rec­tion pro­vi­des us wi­th per­fect na­tu­ral re­sults. If your gums are very thin, we’ll crea­te your most beau­tiful smi­le wi­th ad­di­tio­nal con­nec­ti­ve tis­sue transplants.

Tre­at­ment example

Gums and red aesthetics

Have your tee­th leng­the­ned as well?

A beau­tiful mouth is­n’t just a string of pearl-li­ke per­fect tee­th. A youthful and he­alt­hy ap­pearance is si­gni­fi­cant­ly in­fluen­ced by the gums. Dis­or­ders have va­rious cau­ses: of­ten pe­ri­odon­to­sis or pe­ri­odon­ti­tis, but al­so too firm brushing of the tee­th in com­bi­na­ti­on wi­th other fac­tors is of­ten the re­ason. Per­haps your tee­th have sen­si­ti­ve necks in cold wea­ther or when you eat sweet things? In so-cal­led gum re­ces­si­on, the ner­ve-rich root of the tooth is ex­po­sed and in­cre­asing­ly lar­ger trough-shaped de­fects de­ve­lop, which you can al­so feel wi­th your fingernail.
What can we do? We can seal the­se wedge-shaped de­fects wi­th a la­ser and co­ver them wi­th a cer­vical fil­ling ma­de of in­vi­si­ble com­po­si­te ma­te­ri­al to con­ce­al the re­ces­si­ons. This is a quick, pain­less and simp­le so­lu­ti­on for the long, hy­per­sen­si­ti­ve tooth neck, and you’ll be re­al­ly sa­tis­fied wi­th the re­sults. If you want the very best in aes­the­tics, then re­ces­si­on co­vera­ge as a small sur­gi­cal gum cor­rec­tion pro­vi­des us wi­th per­fect na­tu­ral re­sults. If your gums are very thin, we’ll crea­te your most beau­tiful smi­le wi­th ad­di­tio­nal con­nec­ti­ve tis­sue transplants.

Tre­at­ment example

Com­po­si­te filling

Do you want an in­ex­pen­si­ve, in­vi­si­ble filling?

Our uni­que laye­ring and mo­del­ling tech­ni­que en­ables you to ob­tain an aes­the­ti­cal­ly plea­sing, na­tu­ral-loo­king so­lu­ti­on on bo­th front and back tee­th. We use ef­fect co­lours to si­mu­la­te dis­co­lou­ra­ti­on on re­quest. In this way our fil­ling fits in­vi­si­bly in­to the re­mai­ning tee­th. We use par­ti­cu­lar­ly high-qua­li­ty com­po­si­te in na­no­tech­no­lo­gy for best aes­the­tics and durability.

Ex­amp­les of treatment:

Com­po­si­te filling

Do you want an in­ex­pen­si­ve, in­vi­si­ble filling?

Our uni­que laye­ring and mo­del­ling tech­ni­que en­ables you to ob­tain an aes­the­ti­cal­ly plea­sing, na­tu­ral-loo­king so­lu­ti­on on bo­th front and back tee­th. We use ef­fect co­lours to si­mu­la­te dis­co­lou­ra­ti­on on re­quest. In this way our fil­ling fits in­vi­si­bly in­to the re­mai­ning tee­th. We use par­ti­cu­lar­ly high-qua­li­ty com­po­si­te in na­no­tech­no­lo­gy for best aes­the­tics and durability.

Ex­amp­les of treatment:

Amal­gam restoration

Even though it’s still the stan­dard fil­ling ma­te­ri­al of sta­tu­to­ry insu­rance, amal­gam is still a ma­te­ri­al mi­xed wi­th to­xic mer­cu­ry, which by law we have to fil­ter at gre­at ex­pen­se and then dis­po­se of as ha­zar­dous was­te. For this re­ason, we don’t of­fer amal­gam fil­lings at all.

As a ra­ther ba­se me­tal, it cor­ro­des in your mouth and li­te­ral­ly rusts. If you don’t want a com­ple­te res­to­ra­ti­on, but you’d in­iti­al­ly li­ke to keep the old ca­ries-free fil­lings, we’­ve got an ex­cel­lent so­lu­ti­on for your health.

For­t­u­na­te­ly, we can im­pro­ve the va­lue of your exis­ting amal­gam fil­lings and achie­ve a spe­cial sur­face fi­nish wi­th the help of com­pres­si­on and po­li­shing. As a re­sult, your bo­dy is bur­den­ed wi­th con­sider­a­b­ly less to­xic mercury.

Tre­at­ment example

Amal­gam restoration

Even though it’s still the stan­dard fil­ling ma­te­ri­al of sta­tu­to­ry insu­rance, amal­gam is still a ma­te­ri­al mi­xed wi­th to­xic mer­cu­ry, which by law we have to fil­ter at gre­at ex­pen­se and then dis­po­se of as ha­zar­dous was­te. For this re­ason, we don’t of­fer amal­gam fil­lings at all.

As a ra­ther ba­se me­tal, it cor­ro­des in your mouth and li­te­ral­ly rusts. If you don’t want a com­ple­te res­to­ra­ti­on, but you’d in­iti­al­ly li­ke to keep the old ca­ries-free fil­lings, we’­ve got an ex­cel­lent so­lu­ti­on for your health.

For­t­u­na­te­ly, we can im­pro­ve the va­lue of your exis­ting amal­gam fil­lings and achie­ve a spe­cial sur­face fi­nish wi­th the help of com­pres­si­on and po­li­shing. As a re­sult, your bo­dy is bur­den­ed wi­th con­sider­a­b­ly less to­xic mercury.

Tre­at­ment example

Do you want beau­tiful teeth?

Dr. Ba­rac is cer­ti­fied in the field of aes­the­tic den­ti­stry and the ma­ny ca­ses he has trea­ted in this field testi­fy to his ex­pe­ri­ence. He is one of ap­pro­xi­m­ate­ly 450 den­tists among 55,000 den­tists in Ger­ma­ny who suc­cessful­ly pas­sed the cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on in 2009 af­ter two ye­ars of in­ten­si­ve theo­re­ti­cal and prac­ti­cal trai­ning and examination.

The first im­pres­si­on counts

It on­ly ta­kes a few se­conds for other peo­p­le to make a jud­ge­ment about us. Even if on­ly sub­con­scious­ly, this usual­ly has so­me­thing to do wi­th su­per­fi­ci­al aspects: Wi­th a glan­ce at our clo­thes, hair and face we de­ci­de in a split se­cond whe­ther we find a per­son at­trac­ti­ve, li­keable or cre­di­ble. The most im­portant cri­ter­ion he­re: beau­tiful and he­alt­hy teeth.


But what ac­tual­ly makes for beau­tiful tee­th? Beau­tiful tee­th are straight, even and per­fect­ly ali­gned. They are­n’t just re­gard­ed as at­trac­ti­ve, but al­so au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly lead us to con­clude that a per­son has other qua­li­ties. An at­trac­ti­ve set of tee­th stands for youth and he­alth. We al­so as­so­cia­te in­tel­li­gence, com­pe­tence or ba­lan­ce wi­th beau­tiful teeth.