Pe­ri­odon­to­lo­gy / Periodontosis

Do your gums so­me­ti­mes bleed?

Or are your tee­th shif­ting, lea­ving gaps in your gums?
May­be so­meone told you that you’­ve got bad breath?
If so, you may be one of the up to 80% of adults who suf­fer from pe­ri­odon­ti­tis. This usual­ly chro­nic bac­te­ri­al in­flamm­a­ti­on of the pe­ri­odon­tal ap­pa­ra­tus (gums, tooth root and jaw­bo­ne) is usual­ly pain­less and of­ten is­n’t re­co­g­nis­ed. If you feel a loo­sening of the tee­th, then you’­re al­re­a­dy at an ad­van­ced stage and the loss of tee­th is imminent.


What’s mo­re, re­se­arch has shown that gum di­se­a­se can be lin­ked to other di­se­a­ses such as dia­be­tes and he­art di­se­a­se. We can help you pre­vent pe­ri­odon­tal di­se­a­se or pro­vi­de you wi­th pro­fes­sio­nal tre­at­ment if your in­flamm­a­ti­on is al­re­a­dy advanced.

Pro­tect your
over­all health

Gum in­flamm­a­ti­on is of­ten part­ly re­spon­si­ble for he­art di­se­a­se, strokes, dia­be­tes, rheu­ma­tism and even pre­ma­tu­re births. Mo­reo­ver, the­se bac­te­ria are con­ta­gious and may end­an­ger your loved ones. We the­r­e­fo­re al­ways check re­gu­lar­ly for pos­si­ble pe­ri­odon­tal di­se­a­se. Wi­th our pro­phy­la­xis con­cept we sup­port you per­ma­nent­ly in im­ple­men­ting all ne­ces­sa­ry measures.

Ar­ran­ge a no-ob­li­ga­ti­on con­sul­ta­ti­on ap­point­ment now!
Our in­no­va­ti­ve con­cept, sta­te-of-the-art equip­ment and, abo­ve all, a spe­cia­li­sed and high­ly qua­li­fied team gua­ran­tee a high le­vel of pro­fes­sio­na­lism in all ma­jor fields of dentistry!


Sin­ce im­plants are ar­ti­fi­ci­al tooth roots, they be­have si­mi­lar­ly in the ca­se of in­fec­tions and in­flamm­a­ti­ons. Af­ter the for­ma­ti­on of a so-cal­led gum po­cket, bo­ne re­sorp­ti­on oc­curs and la­ter on, the loss of the im­plant. Pro­tect your va­luable implants!


Sin­ce im­plants are ar­ti­fi­ci­al tooth roots, they be­have si­mi­lar­ly in the ca­se of in­fec­tions and in­flamm­a­ti­ons. Af­ter the for­ma­ti­on of a so-cal­led gum po­cket, bo­ne re­sorp­ti­on oc­curs and la­ter on, the loss of the im­plant. Pro­tect your va­luable implants!

Gum res­to­ra­ti­on

Don’t let the pe­ri­odon­to­sis de­ve­lop in the first place. Our me­thod of gum clea­ning is a mi­ni­mal­ly in­va­si­ve res­to­ra­ti­ve me­a­su­re to streng­then the gums and the periodontium.

Our par­ti­cu­lar­ly gent­le me­thod wi­th a very light an­aes­the­tic re­ju­ve­na­tes your gums, spa­ring you in the long run from the much mo­re com­plex pe­ri­odon­tal tre­at­ment. This is par­ti­cu­lar­ly im­portant for smo­kers, as the risk of pe­ri­odon­ti­tis is par­ti­cu­lar­ly high here.

Gum res­to­ra­ti­on

Don’t let the pe­ri­odon­to­sis de­ve­lop in the first place. Our me­thod of gum clea­ning is a mi­ni­mal­ly in­va­si­ve res­to­ra­ti­ve me­a­su­re to streng­then the gums and the periodontium.

Our par­ti­cu­lar­ly gent­le me­thod wi­th a very light an­aes­the­tic re­ju­ve­na­tes your gums, spa­ring you in the long run from the much mo­re com­plex pe­ri­odon­tal tre­at­ment. This is par­ti­cu­lar­ly im­portant for smo­kers, as the risk of pe­ri­odon­ti­tis is par­ti­cu­lar­ly high here.


Our va­rious pe­ri­odon­tal tre­at­ment methods
  • We al­ways tre­at wi­th the la­ser for di­rect dis­in­fec­tion or ne­ar ste­ri­li­sa­ti­on of the tooth po­ckets and im­plant surfaces
  • De­ve­lo­p­ment of an in­di­vi­du­al oral hy­gie­ne plan for home den­tal care
  • Sys­te­ma­tic clo­sed pe­ri­odon­ti­tis tre­at­ment wi­t­hout scal­pel, in­cis­i­ons and sutures
  • Re­ge­ne­ra­ti­ve pe­ri­odon­ti­tis the­ra­py and pe­ri­odon­tal sur­gery or pe­ri­im­plan­ti­tis tre­at­ment wi­th bo­ne aug­men­ta­ti­on using bo­ne re­pla­ce­ment ma­te­ri­al and membranes


Our va­rious pe­ri­odon­tal tre­at­ment methods
  • We al­ways tre­at wi­th the la­ser for di­rect dis­in­fec­tion or ne­ar ste­ri­li­sa­ti­on of the tooth po­ckets and im­plant surfaces
  • De­ve­lo­p­ment of an in­di­vi­du­al oral hy­gie­ne plan for home den­tal care
  • Sys­te­ma­tic clo­sed pe­ri­odon­ti­tis tre­at­ment wi­t­hout scal­pel, in­cis­i­ons and sutures
  • Re­ge­ne­ra­ti­ve pe­ri­odon­ti­tis the­ra­py and pe­ri­odon­tal sur­gery or pe­ri­im­plan­ti­tis tre­at­ment wi­th bo­ne aug­men­ta­ti­on using bo­ne re­pla­ce­ment ma­te­ri­al and membranes

Do you want beau­tiful teeth?

Dr. Ba­rac is cer­ti­fied in the field of aes­the­tic den­ti­stry and the ma­ny ca­ses he has trea­ted in this field testi­fy to his ex­pe­ri­ence. He is one of ap­pro­xi­m­ate­ly 450 den­tists among 55,000 den­tists in Ger­ma­ny who suc­cessful­ly pas­sed the cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on in 2009 af­ter two ye­ars of in­ten­si­ve theo­re­ti­cal and prac­ti­cal trai­ning and examination.